Learn to Toot!

Flute lessons for Age 6+

Learning to pay a musical instrument can be expensive and the cost of buying the instrument prohibitive. 

My "Learn to Toot" programme is easily affordable and provides high-quality group flute tuition. The cost is further reduced by starting the children on the Yamaha YRF-21 Fife - these are a fraction of the cost of even the cheapest beginner flutes but have the advantage of the sound being produced in exactly the same way as the standard sized flute and the fingering system is very similar. You can learn more about the Yamaha fife by clicking HERE.

The "Learn to Toot" lessons consist of:

  • A forty-five minute group lesson
  • Basic musicianship training through musical games 
  • Learning to read music
  • Learning to play simple, popular tunes
  • Learning to play together

The programme is delivered in blocks of 5 lessons and the cost is £25 for a five lesson block, payable in advance. The first introductory lesson is free and you will only be asked to pay if you decide to sign-up for the next four lessons in the first block.

Lessons will take place in various locations in the Helensburgh area, depending on demand.

For your information, I am a highly experienced and qualified teacher and musician and I am a member of Disclosure Scotand's PVG scheme for working with children. I also have Public Liabilty Insurance.

For more information, please visit my website www.johngrant.info/home

Lesson will be starting in August. If you'd like to register your interest in my "Learn to Toot" programme, please complete the form below - no obligation!

Click here if you have any questions or need more info.


John Grant